The Tekaan Telu Waterfall is famous for its beautiful triple-tiered flow running through the middle of an idealistic tropical jungle. Every level that composes this dramatic waterfall combines to show its special beauty: the upper level pours over time-worn rocks, creating an amazing descent; the middle level creates a more gentle but still enthralled flow; the third, bottom level creates an idealistic crystal clear pool.Set amidst divine landscapes, the sparkling water of Tekaan Telu Waterfall has a refreshing and peaceful surrounding.

Green surrounds with natural shades give views for eyes to linger around and are gifted with the charm of this waterfall, radiating an aura of solitude. The tropical canopy of trees and gentle sounds of fancy water are really a relaxed setting ideal for getting away from the hustle-bustle of daily living. Blended into a picturesque setting, Tekaan Telu Waterfall stays one of the coolest places ever for nature admirers and also a tranquil retreat for tourists who are seeking serenity. An impeccable blend of natural beauty and serenity, the most restorative experiences one will ever have are among the spectacular views provided in nature.